26th January 2022
This Friday, during what would normally be Activities time, we have arranged for our examination students in Years 11, 12, and 13 to be offered extra tuition, instead of going home early. For some Yr11 students, their attendance will be required by their teacher; for others, it will be a chance to catch up or review with a teacher who has offered this as an option. All sixth form students are required to stay. Arrangements should be made, therefore, to collect your child at the normal finish time of 3.20 PM.

As advised, we now require all students and staff to use an N95 or KN95 face mask, since other types of masks have been found to be less effective against the Omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus. We thank parents of senior students for having made the effort to supply their child with the correct type of face mask.  When younger students are permitted to return, they must also be compliant with the KN95/N95 mask requirement. A limited supply of spares may be available, at $1.00 each. 

TCI Government is expected to make a decision later this week on younger students returning to school. When they do, we shall be surveying them to update our record of their Covid vaccinations (1st, 2nd, and 3rd booster). It is imperative that we all work together to keep our students and staff safe and healthy and to keep our school open. In this regard, we encourage parents of those students who have not been vaccinated, or of those who are behind in their vaccinations, to see that their child receives the necessary jabs as soon as possible.

As mentioned previously, it is equally important that parents share information about their children’s health and about their family’s health with us. Quite simply, students who are unwell may not attend school until they are better and, in the case of Covid, have been certified negative by the Ministry of Health. Likewise, any child who has a member of their immediate household ill with Covid may not attend school until they have been officially released from quarantine by the Ministry of Health.

We do appreciate the challenges that these arrangements may cause as families re-adjust. Thank you immensely for your understanding and ongoing support of the school as we strive to do our best for your children.

With very best regards,
Anthony Wilkinson, Vice-Principal