Fantastic efforts in the Food for Thought Food Drive
May 7 – 11, 2018
For one week, each class generously gathered donations for the Food for Thought’s Breakfast Programme. From Monday, May 7th to Friday, May 11th a range of foods most needed were collected, including: Peanut butter, Crackers, Nut/grain Bar, Wholegrain Cereal, Fruit/Nut Trail Mix Bar, Milk, Instant Grits, Dried Fruit and Tea. Each class was given a large plastic tub to fill with their donations – and many asked for a second one! (Maybe the competitive element of winning a pizza party helped motivate the classes embrace this competition so well!).
A fantastic total of over 200 items were collected amongst classes. The Student Council were then challenged with counting out each Form groups contribution, divided by the number of students in the class: Year 10 were the winners, but with our small Year 6 class coming such a close second, Food for Thought included pizza for them at the party too!
Student Council representatives then donated their time to remain after school one afternoon with Ms Rankin so that the items could be divided and packaged up ready to be shipped across to schools on the other islands: Marjorie Basden, Ona Glinton, Mary Robinson and HJ Robinson High School.
It was a pleasant sight to see students coming together for a good cause. Thank you to all our parents and the student body for your participation and support !
Aletria Gardiner, Acting President