Year 6 and Year 7 Entrance Tests

Entrance tests for September 2017 entry to Year 6 or Year 7 were held on Saturday. The papers are now being assessed and the results will then be subject to analysis. In due course, the parents of those tested will be informed directly of the outcomes for their child.

National High School Spelling Bee

The National High School Spelling Bee, due to have taken place today, has been postponed until Thursday 25th May.

Facebook Page

On our Facebook page ( you can read all the latest BWIC news and features. Please have a look and ‘like’ the page…we aim to have the entire community of parents as active readers.

Cambridge Examinations

Our Cambridge exams are now well under way, and going smoothly. Thank you to all involved for ensuring that our exam students arrive at school and are collected on time.

Internal examinations

End-of-year examinations for our younger students are due to take place between 31st May and 6th June. Students should have organised a revision planner of their own. If they have not, you will find an EXAMPLE here: and NOTES here: .

Year 9 IGCSE Information Evening

For current Year 9, the IGCSE information evening will be held in Brayton Hall on Wednesday 24th May. You and your child will be presented with information that may help them to choose which subjects to study in Year 10 from September, if they have not already made up their mind. Some find the Briggs-Meyer personality test, or an adapted version, helpful in the decision-making process. Such tests are available online for free (e.g. or at a cost. The results provided may be interesting and said to be accurate, but should not be considered as infallible, cast-iron pointers to what your child must study at IGCSE.

For your diary…

24th May – Movie Night at Brayton Hall (possibly “A Dog’s Purpose”)

10th June – Family Fun Day at the Bight Park