I hope that you are enjoying the Easter break in the company of your families, despite the challenges thrust upon us by the lock down situation. Hopefully, everybody is keeping well and keeping safe, as per TCI Government instructions. 

Our digital teaching and learning will continue from Monday 20th April, when Trinity Term classes commence. Our immediate aim is to re-launch our digital classrooms under one unified Google ‘umbrella’, now that (after over a year facing various hoops and obstacles) British West Indies Collegiate is officially registered with Google for use of G-Suite for Education. This will equip our teachers and students with an exciting and extended range of digital tools to assist us with the deliver and exploration of our curriculum. One benefit, which we initiated a few weeks ago, is that all students now have an @bwic.tc email address. Another is that, from next week, all our emails will be handled by Gmail; however, do note that neither staff nor student email addresses will change.

One thing we do ask of our students is to follow instructions given to them by teachers to re-register for new subject classrooms. It might be a little frustrating, but this will be necessary for a successful whole-school transition to the new Google system. 

BWIC teachers have been working hard to make the switch to digital media. Just as it is for our students, this process has been entirely new to most of our staff, and we are appreciative of your recognition of the principle that we must all learn to walk before we can run. The fact is that we are making great advances in the use of technology, and the incorporation of IT into our teaching and learning is here to stay.

Despite the challenges and frustrations of current lock down, we will surely be delivered to ‘normality’ soon, and greater things lie ahead. I apologise for the delay in the delivery of Hilary Term reports to Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. These are now complete and will be emailed out to you today.

I would appeal to students in Years 11, 12 and 13 to organise and have ready all of their marked Mock Exam scripts as well as all assignments relative to their current examination course, as Cambridge may soon require that we send selections of these off as evidence of levels attained, before they agree to award examination grades.

I thank you most sincerely for your understanding and collaboration in these difficult times.
Until our next update, stay safe!  

With best regards,
Mr Anthony Wilkinson