Uniform and School Dates

10th June 2022

Exams Finished

Cambridge and end-of-year school exams have now finished. Our Yrs 11, 12, and 13 students managed themselves extremely well, especially considering that they had not experienced public examinations for some time due to Covid restrictions and lockdown. Now we wait for results, due in August: fingers crossed that all our students will receive their just rewards after all their hard work, guided along the way by their teachers.

Next School Year

I would like to remind you that our school year finishes at midday on Friday 24th June. The new school year begins for students on Wednesday 7th September, as in the school calendar.

Uniforms- Orders and donations

Uniform orders for the new school year may be emailed to Mrs. Coty in advance, with collection from the school boutique in the first week of September. Please see the attached order form, which contains Mrs. Coty’s email address, as well as the prices of individual items of clothing.

We would like to invite parents, especially of those students leaving the Collegiate, to consider donating clean, gently-worn items of BWIC uniforms to the school boutique. We have a good number of families who would be very appreciative of the opportunity to purchase used items of quality clothing at a reduced cost. Donations may be left at the school office over the next two weeks.

Thanking you for your continued support and collaboration,

With very best regards,

Anthony Wilkinson