Years 7 – 13: Key Stage 3, IGCSE and AS/A Levels

Art class at BWIC

Seeing is our cornerstone. When we teach children to draw, we teach them to see. The Art Department at the Collegiate aims to develop students’ observation skills in an orderly and systematic manner, using a wide range of media. We believe that by doing so, we will both enrich their lives and help them to achieve success. They will develop self-discipline, creativity and confidence, in addition to an awareness of personal and social heritage.

The Turks & Caicos Islands are populated by a multinational community, and we therefore consider it important that students should be made aware of other cultures, to help foster understanding and respect. We aim to develop inquisitive minds, and eyes that constantly question and evaluate the world they encounter. How sad it would be if we went through life without noticing the potential beauty in a blade of grass.

Years 7 to 9
In the early years, students investigate and create artwork in 2 and 3-dimensional media. Themes are drawn from Western and wider cultures. It is important that students make a personal response in the given style or context.

Years 10 and 11
In these years, students follow the IGCSE syllabus offered by Cambridge International (CAIE). They initially pursue a ‘History of Art’ course, which follows a linear timeline from Byzantine Art up to Twentieth Century Abstraction. Each period requires a related written and practical piece.

The IGCSE requirement is for students to submit one large unit of study, in addition to a final timed practical examination. The study entails a one-year (minimum) investigation which should be sketchbook-based. For this, we encourage the students to make a personal response to an artist’s work, through which they can relate their own lives and interests.

Years 12 and 13
In these years, students elect to follow the AS/A Level programme of study offered by Cambridge International. The Advance Subsidiary (AS) is studied in the first year and, if continued into the second year, will form 50% of the assessment weighting of the full Advanced Level. AS can either be taken as a discrete one-year qualification or as part of the full A Level course.

The AS Level award comprises the following two components:

  • Controlled Test 60% (30%) Externally Assessed by CAIE
  • Coursework 40% (20%) Internally Assessed by Centre

The A Level award comprises two additional components:

  • Controlled Test 30% Internally Assessed by Centre
  • Coursework 20% Externally Assessed by CAIE

The Art room is a well-equipped air-conditioned space with large work surfaces and two large sinks. It has excellent natural lighting and several large display boards. The room is approximately 550 sq. ft. and is positioned next to the IT Laboratory. The facility was extended at the beginning of the 2002 academic year to accommodate pottery and a 3D studio. A high-specification graphics computer and large format colour printer were added in June 2005.

Syllabus Links

Use the links below for a detailed overview of the syllabus content which is updated from time to time.

CIE AS/A Level Art & Design (9479)
CIE IGCSE Art & Design (0400)

Teacher Profile

Mrs. Katia Arnth-Jensen is Head of the Art department, and responsible for delivering the Art programme to all year groups (including Advanced Level).

Years 7 – 13: Key Stage 3, IGCSE and AS/A Levels


Biology is taught from Years 7 to 11 and is a popular option at the Advanced Level. Key Stage 3 Biology is taught to students in Years 7 to 8 using a variety of interactive methods with practical investigations forming an integral part of our curriculum.

Years 7 and 8
Biology is taught as a separate science. Students are given an introduction to each of the seven characteristics of living things and some of the adaptations that they have in order to live where they live. Students also look at the cellular nature of living things and the life processes, including nutrition, the transport of nutrients, and the release of energy from these nutrients by respiration, together with an introduction to the idea of respiratory gas exchange

Key Stage 3 Biology continues in Year 8, with an introduction to reproduction in plants which is then followed by a study of reproduction in animals. We also take a look at human development and consider the types and causes of variation. We investigate chromosomes, genes and patterns of inheritance and look at the importance of DNA. During Year 8 we also look at the variety of living things, we learn to classify them and learn how we can use biological keys in identifying them.

Student progress is assessed continually through internal tests and homework.

Years 9 to 11
The Cambridge International (CAIE) IGCSE programme begins in Year 9 and is taught through to Year 11. The majority of the teaching is covered in Years 9 and 10, allowing students to re-visit earlier topics, during the revision period, in the run-up to their exams in Year 11.

Students sit three externally assessed examination components at IGCSE:

  • A Multiple Choice Paper – 30%,
  • A Structured Questions Paper – 50%,
  • An Alternative to Practical Paper – 20%.

The extended curriculum is taught at the IGCSE Level, but students who experience considerable difficulty with the concepts covered may be entered for the core-level examinations.

The Advanced Level Programme
Students wishing to pursue studies at the Advanced Level must attain at minimum a Grade B in IGCSE Biology or a Grade II at CXC.

Years 12 and 13
Cambridge International AS Level Biology makes up the first half of the Cambridge International A Level course in biology and provides a foundation for the study of biology at A Level. Topics in Year 12 include biochemistry, cell biology, DNA, ecology, human health and disease (diet, smoking, immunity and infectious disease), and transport in plants and animals.

In the second year, students cover topics on energy and respiration, energy transfer and photosynthesis, regulation and control, genetics and inherited change, selection and evolution, biodiversity and conservation, gene technology, biotechnology, crop plants and aspects of human reproduction to complete the A Level Biology course.

The AS Level award comprises the following three components which are externally assessed by CAIE:

  • A Multiple Choice Paper – 31% (15.5%)
  • An AS Structured Questions Paper – 46% (23%)
  • An Advanced Practical Skills – 23% (11.5%)

The A Level award comprises two additional components which are externally assessed by CAIE:

  • An A-Level Structured Questions Paper – 38.5%
  • A Planning, Analysis and Evaluation Paper – 11.5%

Syllabus Links

Use the links below for a detailed overview of the syllabus content which is updated from time to time.

CIE AS/A Level Biology (9700)
CIE IGCSE Biology (0610)

Teacher Profiles

Ms Amanda Brittain, Head of Biology, instructs all year groups and Mrs Nicola Haynes, Head of Science, instructs some classes at IGCSE and A Level.

Years 10 – 13: IGCSE and AS/A Levels

Business Studies

Business Studies is taught as a specialist subject at International GCSE and Advanced level. The Department’s philosophy is one of combining theory and real-life case studies to allow the students to understand the way in which business works at the local, national and international level. Students are encouraged to pursue their own research, using the internet and subject periodicals. The Department is also active in organising visits so that the students may be able to see business theory in action.

There are basic skills that all students studying business must learn. These are an understanding of business theory and a realisation that this theory can not be applied to businesses in an unmodified form (i.e. the realisation that each business is unique). Case studies and visits facilitate this understanding.

Years 10 and 11
These are the years when students follow the IGCSE syllabus set by the Cambridge International Education Board (CAIE), with written examinations taken at the end of Year 11. There is no coursework for this qualification. The main topics of study are People and Organisations; Introduction to Business Practice; Finance and Accounting; Business in a World Context; Motivation and Staff Development; and Business Mathematics.

Students sit two externally assessed examination components at IGCSE:

  • A Short Answer and Data Response Paper – 50%,
  • A Case Study Paper – 50%,

Years 12 and 13
These are the Years when the students follow the Cambridge International (CAIE) Advanced Level Programme. At the end of Year 12, students sit two examinations for the Advanced Subsidiary (AS) part of their Advanced Level.

At the end of Year 13, students sit two further examinations for the A2 part of their Advanced Level. Successful completion of these allows the student to be awarded the full Advanced Level. The course followed is the same as that for the IGCSE, only with a much greater degree of difficulty.

The AS Level award comprises the following two components which are externally assessed by CAIE:

  • A Business Concepts 1 Paper – 40% (20%)
  • A Business Concepts 2 Paper – 60% (30%)

The A Level award comprises two additional components which are externally assessed by CAIE:

  • A Business Decision-Making Paper- 30%
  • A Business Strategy Paper – 20%

Syllabus Links

Use the links below for a detailed overview of the syllabus content which is updated from time to time.

CIE AS/A Level Business (9609)
CIE IGCSE Business Studies (0450)

Teacher Profile


Years 7 – 13: Key Stage 3, IGCSE and AS/A Levels


Chemistry is taught to all year groups at the Collegiate.

Year 7
Students are taught chemistry as a discrete subject with three major topics in mind. Classification of materials introduces students to states of matter and atomic structure. In acids and alkalis, students investigate how materials change during reactions. The final topic, products from oil and fuels, introduces students to the organic compounds obtained from crude oil and their uses.

Year 8
This year’s study concludes the teaching at Key Stage 3. Students study the periodic table and how atoms react, rock composition and structure, weathering and plate tectonics. Again, there is a heavy focus on practical skills.

Year 9
An introduction to the Cambridge International (CAIE) IGCSE syllabus begins in Year 9 with topics related to the particulate theory of matter, experimental techniques and stoichiometry. They build on the foundation skills introduced in the earlier years but also introduce the rationale for chemical calculations. Students must decide whether they study Chemistry as an optional subject at the IGCSE Level in Year 10.

Years 10 and 11
The remainder of the IGCSE programme of study is taught over these two years. In addition to the other theory topics on the syllabus, practical experiments are introduced as an integral part of the course which culminates with students sitting a practical examination component as part of their final assessment.

Students sit three externally assessed examination components at IGCSE:

  • A Multiple Choice Paper – 30%,
  • A Short Answer and Structured Questions Paper – 50%,
  • An Alternative to Practical Paper – 20%.

Depending on their progress throughout the course, students have the option of sitting the extended (higher tier) component papers or the core (lower tier) component papers.

Years 12 and 13
Students wishing to pursue studies at the Advanced Level must attain at minimum a Grade B in IGCSE Chemistry and Mathematics or a Grade II in both subjects at CXC.

The Cambridge International Advanced Level programme of study allows students to develop a set of transferable skills including handling data, practical problem-solving and applying the scientific method for progression to further studies at university and a wide range of careers involving the study of Chemistry, Engineering or Medicine. Students who study chemistry at the Advanced Level find it a difficult but rewarding challenge.

The syllabus is split across two years of study.

The AS Level course content covers topics on physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry. Analytical techniques and practical skills are introduced at this level.

The A Level course content extends the student’s knowledge of the topics studied at AS Level and refines the analytical and practical skills used during practical experiments.

The AS Level award comprises the following three components which are externally assessed by CAIE:

  • A Multiple Choice Paper – 31 (15.5%)
  • An AS Level Structured Questions Paper – 46% (23%)
  • An Advanced Practical Skills Paper – 23% (11.5%)

The A Level award comprises two additional components which are externally assessed by CAIE:

  • An A Level Structured Questions Paper – 38.5%
  • A Planning, Analysis and Evaluation Paper – 11.5%

Syllabus Links

Use the links below for a detailed overview of the syllabus content which is updated from time to time.

CIE AS/A Level Chemistry (9701)
CIE IGCSE Chemistry (0620)

Teacher Profile

Mrs Lettice Malcolm (Head of Chemistry) teaches Chemistry to Years 10 – 13.
Mrs Nicola Haynes teaches Chemistry to Years 7 and 9.
Ms Daphne Roots teaches Chemistry to Year 8.

Years 10 – 13, IGCSE and AS/A Levels

Computer Science was introduced to the curriculum in 2019 to provide an alternative pathway to courses that study the technical aspects of computing and the languages used to program software code.

Years 10 and 11
Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science helps students develop an interest in computational thinking and an understanding of the principles of problem-solving using computers. They apply this understanding to create computer-based solutions to problems using algorithms and a high-level programming language. Students also develop a range of technical skills, and the ability to effectively test and evaluate computing solutions. It provides an ideal foundation for progression to Cambridge International AS & A Level and is valuable for other areas of study and everyday life.

Students sit two externally assessed examination components at IGCSE:

  • Computer Systems (Paper 1)
  • Algorithms, Programming and Logic (Paper 2), which are equally weighted.

Years 12 and 13
The Cambridge International (CAIE) A Level Computer Science course encourages students to meet the needs of higher education courses in computer science as well as twenty-first-century digital employers. It encourages leaders to think creatively, through applying practical programming solutions, demonstrating that they are effective uses of technology.

Students develop computational thinking & programming skills to solve computer science problems and develop a range of skills such as thinking creatively, analytically, logically, and critically. They will also be able to appreciate the ethical issues that arise with current and emerging computing technologies.

Year 12 study the AS Level syllabus.

The A2 Level syllabus for Year 13, uses practical and theoretical elements to build on the skills and knowledge developed at AS Level.

Syllabus Links

Use the links below for a detailed overview of the syllabus content which is updated from time to time.

CIE AS/A Level Computer Science (9618)
CIE IGCSE Computer Science (0478)

Teacher Profile

Mr. Tim Lawless is the Computing Science teacher.

Years 7 – 13: Key Stage 3, IGCSE and AS/A Levels

We aim to enable all students to use and understand English to their full ability. This means developing skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as well as spelling, grammar, and handwriting. These are bound together and their interaction creates language competence. Our teaching approach is therefore holistic and integrated. The English Department follows the English National Curriculum at Key Stages 3 and 4, adapting the programmes of study to reflect the international composition of the students and the nature of the islands.

Years 7 to 9
In Key Stage 3, students are exposed to a wide range of literature including poetry, prose and drama. Students are encouraged to read as widely as possible, and for this reason, lower school students are given a private directed reading period. In addition, less able readers are paired with older students who read with them at regular times during the term. Reading is seen as integral to the development of all students, in all subjects, enhancing their understanding of the wider world and enabling them to communicate effectively.

Students’ understanding of the different ways in which meanings are conveyed is also developed through drama and the media, areas that encourage close analysis of language in real situations. Students are given many opportunities for speaking and listening. These take the form of paired analysis of poems, presentations and debates, and role-plays and discussions. Teachers try to make English lessons lively and enjoyable, and relevant to students’ lives.

The nature of English lessons means that students are often exposed to a variety of themes and topics. Freedom of expression is encouraged, as is tolerance of others. We aim to create considerate, articulate, thoughtful and curious students, capable of engaging with the deepest of ideas and able to express opinions clearly and with confidence. We aim to encourage at an early age the ability to critically evaluate experience, preparation for the higher demands of Key Stage 4.

Years 10 and 11
At Key Stage 4
students follow the curriculum for IGCSE. Students are entered for both Language and Literature with Cambridge (CIE). Evaluation is made through a combination of coursework and examination, as is often the norm.

IGCSE Language students learn how to analyse, interpret, evaluate and criticise. Students write in a variety of styles for different audiences and purposes. Presentation skills, including the use of computer applications, are given a high priority. Over the two-year course students produce a folder of their own writing (informative, creative, argumentative etc.), and sit an examination at the end of Year 11. This examination tests the students’ ability to read with understanding and to write in a variety of styles. Sudents are entered either for the Core Paper – a 2 hour examination on which they may attain grades C-G; or the Extended Paper – a 2¼ hour examination, on which A* to E may be attained.

For Literature it is typical that students read a novel, a play and a selection of poems for both coursework and examination. They are required to write essays on these texts, including more critical and imaginative responses to literature. Texts come from a variety of cultures and periods, covering pre-20th century classics as well as modern authors. Students write a final external examination at the end of Year 11, which lasts 2¼ hours, on which they may attain grades A* to G.

Students make extended contributions to group or class discussions and also improvise roles from stories and poems. At IGCSE level, they express opinions with increasing sophistication. Topics for discussion vary widely and involve the development of argument and evidence. Activities include formal debate and speaking to a range of audiences.

Years 12 and 13
At Advanced Level
, students can choose to study AS Language for one year, and/or Advanced Level Literature for 2 years. AS Language builds on the skills of IGCSE, requiring students to critically evaluate the style and techniques of various authors and to write their own pieces in a variety of styles. Assessment is made solely through examination. Many of the Year 12 students are involved in the Reading Mentor Programme.

Advanced Level Literature is a two-year course, though a one-year AS is available. We follow the Cambridge (CIE) syllabus, which provides a great deal of choice in the literature studied. Recent authors studied at Advanced Level include William Blake and Sylvia Plath, Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller, Shakespeare, Chaucer, Margaret Atwood and Chinua Achebe. Students are taught ways of analysing texts for style, technique and language.

Students may also receive help in preparing for SAT testing for American colleges and universities.

Syllabus Links

Use the links below for a detailed overview of the syllabus content which is updated from time to time.

CIE AS/A Level English Language (9093)
CIE IGCSE English – First Language (0500)

CIE AS/A Level Literature in English (9695)
CIE IGCSE Literature in English (0475)

Teacher Profiles

Mrs. Badia Askari, Head of English, is in charge of year groups 9 – 12;  Mrs. Tatianna Handfield is with year groups 7 – 10; and Ms. Caroline Sorensen delivers English instruction to year groups 7 – 9, 11, and 13.  They offer various areas of expertise, which allows for the development of strong cross-curricular links between English and other subjects.

Years 7 – 13: Key Stage 3, IGCSE and AS/A Levels

IGCSE Geography

The Geography curriculum is designed to build on knowledge, understanding and skills established by the National Curriculum of England and Wales. Geography is taught throughout all age levels and is a specialist subject at the International GCSE and Advanced Level. The Geography Department aims to integrate a wide range of geographical skills and to provide recent articles from newspapers, journals, and television to allow students to understand that Geography is a dynamic subject with views and terminology that change constantly.

The Geography department seeks to expose the students to the process of geographical inquiries and mapping techniques to prepare them for a higher level of education. The syllabus has a balanced coverage of physical, human and environmental aspects of Geography. Students are encouraged to apply their knowledge to a variety of structures, giving examples at local, national and international levels.

Years 7 to 9
In these years, students follow Key Stage 3 components set out by the curriculum.

Years 10 and 11
In these years, students follow the International GCSE. They follow the syllabus set by the Cambridge University Board (CIE) with the examinations at the end of Year 11. No coursework element is included.

Years 12 and 13
In these years, students follow the Advanced Level programme set by CIE. In Year 12 the first set of examinations is taken for the Advanced Subsidiary (AS) part of Advanced Level. At the end of Year 13 they sit examinations for the A2 part of their Advanced Level.

The Geography Department has its own classroom, large enough to house 25 students and equipped with various resources. It is equipped with a TV and DVD player, and numerous wall maps, atlases, globes and DVD/CDs. Each student is provided with their own textbook, as well as access to the resources found in the Geography classroom and Library.

Syllabus Links

Use the links below for a detailed overview of the syllabus content which is updated from time to time.

CIE AS/A Level Geography (9696)
CIE IGCSE Geography (0460)

Teacher Profile

Mrs. Gabrielle Connolly is responsible for delivering the Geography programme to all year groups (including Advanced Level). Ms Daphne Roots specialises in the teaching of Physical Geography to groups 7, 12 – 13.

Years 7 – 13: Key Stage 3, IGCSE and AS/A Levels

The History covered within the various year groups stretches from Classical History, right up to the modern day. History is taught as a specialist subject from Year 6 through to the Advanced Level. The Department’s philosophy is one of instilling a life-long love of the subject in the students, so that they may continue to appreciate the World’s diverse cultures and to understand the nature of global conflict.

There are basic skills that all students studying History must master. These are an understanding of cause and consequence, empathy and the ability to analyse and evaluate Historical evidence.

Year 7 – 8
In Year 7-8 students study British history where they are taken on a chronological journey through the key periods in England’s past. They learn about the triumphant conquest of Duke William of Normandy’s victory over King Harold at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 ushering in a new era in England. They also explore the Tudor Period 1509-1547 and learn about what it was like to live in this period and the political machinations and influence of Henry VIII. Special emphasis is placed on Henry VIII’s ‘great matter’ which brought about tremendous religious changes in Europe, known as the Reformation. They will also explore the Elizabethan period from 1558-1603 referred to as the ‘Golden Age’ which saw the development of various works of art and culture, notably William Shakespeare the famous playwright. The approach is to stimulate the interest of the students and bring these exciting periods of Britain’s history to life for them as much as possible, so they can make parallels between these periods and the modern day.

Year 9
During this year, we will look at causes, nature and consequences of the First World War, and will complete the first Core Unit of the IGCSE programme. Students will also complete a special case study on The Holocaust.

Years 10 and 11
These are the years when students fully focus on the IGCSE, the UK’s 16+ examination. The syllabus followed is the Modern World in Conflict, set by the Cambridge University Board (CIE), with three examinations at the end of Year 11 and no coursework. In Year 10 the students will study the period between the First and Second World Wars and international diplomacy of the time, with a special investigation into the League of Nations; the build up to the Second World War; the Cold War and the USSR’s relations with Eastern Europe. In Year 11 the students follow one depth study: Germany 1919 to 1945. The IGCSE examinations are source-based, and source skills will be stressed throughout.

Years 12 and 13
These are the years when the students follow the International Advanced Level Programme. This is again set by the Cambridge University Board (CIE). In Year 12 the students study The history of USA, 1820–1941 which focuses on The Origins of the Civil War, The Civil War and Reconstruction, The Gilded Age and Progressive Era and The Great Crash, The Great Depression and New Deal Policies. At the end of Year 12, they sit the Advanced Subsidiary (AS) examination comprising two papers. Paper 1 is a document question which is an hour and 15 minutes and Paper 2 is an outline study which is an hour and 45 minutes. In Year 13 the students study The Holocaust and a Depth Study on European History European in the interwar years, 1919–41. This includes examining the fascist movements in Italy and Germany, the communist ideology in the USSR and liberalism in Great Britain. Students are assessed on Paper 3 an interpretation question which is an hour and fifteen minutes and Paper 4 Depth Study which is an hour and forty-five minutes. This is called the A2 and combines with the AS of the previous year to make a full Advanced Level qualification in the subject. Both of the examinations are primarily essay based.

Syllabus Links

Use the links below for a detailed overview of the syllabus content which is updated from time to time.

CIE AS/A Level History (9489)
CIE IGCSE History (0470)

Teacher Profile

Mrs. Kordell Campbell-Forbes, Head of History instructs year groups 8 – 13 and Ms. Daphne Roots teaches History to Year 7.

Years 7 – 13: Key Stage 3, IGCSE and AS/AS Levels

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is increasingly becoming a dominant aspect of modern-day living. From our waking moment to the end of the day, each of us will have a dozen or so brushes with technology. Its revolutionary control over our lives is further reflected in commercial activity, where hardly a single profession or business survives that has not fully embraced ICT. It is mainly because of this pervading influence that, where practicable, the Collegiate strives to integrate Information Technology with other curriculum subjects so that for students at the Collegiate it becomes a seamless aspect of school life. This is particularly true in the junior years where the curriculum may be more flexible. In the examination years (IGCSE and Advanced Level) students develop knowledge of the wider application of ICT and build skills through the analysis, design, and implementation of solutions to real business/administration-related problems.

All Students – Practical skills are developed using mostly Microsoft Office based products (Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, Frontpage, Powerpoint). Wider and alternative applications are explored and introduced where appropriate.

Years 7 to 8
Students at this level are taught foundation skills and knowledge to help them make the most of the software and hardware tools they encounter. They are also introduced to networking, working safely online, and the iDEA Badges which are self-study units encompassing Citizen, Maker, Worker and Entrepreneur themes.

Years 9
The Year 9 activities develop the practical skills, theory, and work practices that best prepare students for IGCSE.

Years 10 and 11
Students follow the IGCSE ICT syllabus (0417) set by the Cambridge International (CIE). It comprises two coursework elements each worth 30% of the overall mark, and one theory exam worth 40%.

Years 12 and 13
Year 12 students follow the AS Level syllabus in Applied ICT (9713) set by CIE. This comprises a Practical Test worth 60% of the overall AS mark, and a theory examination worth 40%. The A2 structure for Year 13 students is the same, with both practical and theory elements building on skills and knowledge developed during the AS year.

The IT Lab is spacious and well-equipped. The area comfortably accommodates 24 student stations around the perimeter, leaving plenty of space in the centre of the room to seat a similar number of students at tables for theory sessions. All computers are networked (including internet access) and share both colour and b&w printers. A digital camera and scanner are used for multimedia integration. The great majority of students (and islanders in general) have internet access at home. Access to the Internet at school is therefore restricted (other than to Sixth Form students), and promoted primarily as a research tool. Student email is not encouraged in school, other than for global educational initiatives and communication. A digital projector facilitates teacher demonstrations and student presentations.

Syllabus Links

Use the links below for a detailed overview of the syllabus content which is updated from time to time.

CIE AS/A Level Information Communication Technology (9626)
CIE IGCSE Information Communication Technology (0417)

Teacher Profile

Mr Andrew Richards, Head of ICT,  teaches ICT to all year groups.
Years 7 – 13: Key Stage 3, IGCSE and AS/A Levels

The aims of the Mathematics department are:

  • To ensure that all children are numerate and can deal comfortably with any problem of an arithmetical nature that they may encounter in their everyday lives.
  • To ensure that students reach their full potential in Mathematics, and obtain the highest grade possible in their examinations.
  • To provide those students who wish to take Mathematics at Advanced Level, or continue the subject at College of University, with the necessary foundation knowledge and preparation.

Years 7 to 9
All pre-examination year students follow the National Curriculum to the end of Key Stage 3, incorporating Number, Algebra, Geometry and Statistics.

Years 10 and 11
In these years students follow IGCSE Mathematics course (without coursework) set by the Cambridge University Board (CIE), at either Core or Extended level. There are two examination papers at each level and most students will sit these at the end of Year 11. Exceptional students deemed capable of achieving the top grade in Year 10, will be allowed to enter the exam early.

Years 12 and 13
Sixth Form Students follow the International Advanced Level Programme (CIE). Students sit two Pure Mathematics papers, with a choice of two other papers in Mechanics or Statistics. Most students will continue to the full A Level course in Year 13, though some may opt only to sit the AS Level course, which is completed in Year 12.

The Department is accommodated in the Mathematics Room which is air-conditioned and large enough to accommodate any of the classes. All students are provided with textbooks relevant to the course they are studying.

Syllabus Links

Use the links below for a detailed overview of the syllabus content which is updated from time to time.

CIE AS/A Level Mathematics (9709)
CIE IGCSE Mathematics (0580)

Teacher Profiles

Ms. Maureen Jones, Head of Mathematics, teaches Mathematics from Year 10 to Year 13. Mrs. Andrea Downer teaches mathematics to Years 7 – 11.

Years 7 – 11: Key Stage 3 and IGCSE

This content will be updated for 2024.

Music is naturally a creative and practical subject, allowing students to explore their individuality, as well as working with others and developing key personal characteristics, such as teamwork, communication, resilience and self-confidence.

Years 7 – 9
Students are exposed to music from a variety of periods, styles, traditions and musical genres through performance, composition and aural appraisal. Students will have many opportunities to immerse themselves in musical experiences to develop them both as individual and ensemble performers as well as composers, developing their confidence in working in teams and their musical leadership skills.

Year 10 – 11
Some students may opt to sit the Cambridge International IGCSE in Music, while others continue to study music as an enrichment subject.

Syllabus Links

Use the links below for a detailed overview of the syllabus content which is updated from time to time.

CIE IGCSE Music (0410)

Teacher Profile

Mr Brentford Handfield,  Head of Music, instructs all music classes. He also leads the school bands and coordinates all scholastic music events in and out of school.

Years 7 – 11: Key Stage 3 and IGCSE

Soccer defense

This content will be updated for 2024

Our Physical Education Department aims to provide all students with the opportunity to develop physical skills and interest through an extensive range of activities.

Our vision is to be achieved with the following core aims and values in mind: encourage enjoyment in Physical Education through a range of theoretical and practical activities

  • maximum participation in all lessons
  • students to assume own responsibility for learning through leading parts of the lesson allowing them to inspire others and install positive attitudes
  • engage in enjoyable and challenging learning experiences which are student focused
  • establish links with both national and international sporting associations to provide opportunities outside of the curriculum that nurture a student’s talent and potential.
  • develop awareness of physical development including fitness, skill, coaching and well-being.

We believe that all students can benefit from sport and that sport has a positive influence in inspiring learners throughout other areas of the school curriculum leading to improved performance.

Competitive sport is encouraged and fully supported by all aspects of the school community. Students are given the opportunity to participate in both intra and inter school competitive activities including national events, tournaments and festivals. Success in these competitions is highly promoted and these achievements continue further through a wide range of sports and activities. The enhancement of elite athletes holds high importance within the Department and a number of our students have represented the Turks and Caicos Islands at international events.

Lady Spartans basketball team at British West Indies Collegiate


Ladies Softball team at British West Indies Collegiate

British West Indies Collegiate basketball team 'The Spartans' Turks and Caicos Islands

British West Indies Collegiate Spartan basketball team

Sports within the curriculum include: Track and Field, Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball, Softball, Cricket, and Squash. Additionally, Kite-Surfing, Swimming and Tennis are offered as a choice of activities on Friday afternoons.

Syllabus Links

Use the links below for a detailed overview of the syllabus content which is updated from time to time.

CIE Physical Education (0413)

Teacher Profile

Head of Physical Education, Mr Mr. Simon Armitt, is responsible for the development of all aspects of Sport and Physical Education, ensuring that a diverse, enjoyable, yet challenging curriculum is followed for Years 7 to 11.

Years 7 – 13: Key Stage 3, IGCSE and AS/A Levels

Physics is taught in all Years.

Students begin in Year 6, studying Introduction to Forces, Light and Shadow, and Electricity. The emphasis is on practical work and getting students used to working safely in a laboratory. The work is based on the UK National Curriculum and borders between Key stages 2 and 3.

Year 7
In Year 7, students are taught the Sciences as discrete subjects. In Physics they study Energy (including the types of energy, sources and energy transfer). They extend their understanding of the way light behaves looking at reflection and refraction. The final area of study in Year 7 is the Earth in Space. Topics here include the Solar System and how the Earth was formed.

Year 8
In Year 8, we conclude the teaching of Key stage 3. Students learn about Forces and Motion, and Electricity and Magnetism. There is a heavy focus on practical skills, and many lessons incorporate the use of Pasco Spark data loggers and associated probes. In this regard, students are able to experience a level of study beyond Key stage 3, and have carried out experiments about Newton’s Second Law and Boyle’s Law, usually not studied until IGCSE.

Year 9 – 11
programme begins in Year 9, with the majority of students undertaking the extended syllabus, and sitting exams in Year 11. In the academic year 2014-15, an Advanced Placement programme of study was created for students who demonstrated ability and interest in Physics. These students are taking extra classes after school, and hope to sit their IGCSE exams in Physics at the end of Year 10. Physics becomes an optional subject at the start of Year 10.

Please see the syllabus link here for details of the topics covered in the course.

The system of assessment at IGCSE consists of 3 examination papers: Multiple-Choice (40 marks), Structured Questions (80 marks), and Alternative to Practical (40 marks). Within this system of assessment, students, depending on progress throughout the course, will have the option of core (lower tier) or extended (higher tier). In the 2016 examinations, there will be a core paper for Multiple-Choice.

Year 12 -13
The Advanced level
course is designed to allow students to access University with the necessary skills to succeed in the study of Physics, Engineering, Architecture, or Medicine. Students who study Physics to Advanced Level will find it a difficult but rewarding challenge.

The requirements for access to the course are at least a ‘B’ grade in both IGCSE Physics and Mathematics (or Grade II at CSEC).

The A Level syllabus for topics to be studied can be found here.

The system of assessment at A Level is split into two sections. At the conclusion of Year 12, the students undertake three examination papers, a Multiple-Choice paper (40 marks), Structured Questions (60 marks) and a Practical Skills paper (40 marks). Students must attain at least a ‘C’ in these papers to advance to Year 13. In the final year there are two papers. The Core Syllabus paper (100 marks) tests understanding of the topics covered via structured questions. The Planning, Analysis, and Evaluation paper requires the students to demonstrate their practical skills through directed tasks such as planning an experiment, without carrying out a practical.

Syllabus Links

Use the links below for a detailed overview of the syllabus content which is updated from time to time.

Syllabus Links

Use the links below for a detailed overview of the syllabus content which is updated from time to time.

CIE AS/A Level Physics (9702)
CIE IGCSE Physics (0625)

Teacher Profile

The Head of Physics is Mr Stuart Haynes,  with an Honours degree in Engineering Physics is instructing year groups 9-13. Miss Daphne Roots teaches Physics to Years 7 and 8.

Years 12-13: AS and A Level

Cambridge International AS & A Level Psychology encourages learners to think like a psychologist. The syllabus provides opportunities to explore key concepts and debates that underpin the subject of psychology and to develop the skills of interpretation, application, analysis and evaluation while studying a range of stimulating topics and real-world issues.

The key concepts covered in the syllabus are nature versus nurture, ethics, research methods, no one view is definitive, and relevancy in contemporary society.

Year 12
At the AS Level, learners study four psychological approaches: biological, cognitive, learning and social. Each approach is exemplified though 12 core studies. The core studies illustrate a wide range of research methods used in psychology, such as experiments, self-reports, case studies, observations, correlations and longitudinal studies. By exploring the relationship between the content of the study and the research methods, candidates will gain a broad understanding of how psychologists study experiences and behaviours and why the research took place.

Year 13
The A Level combines the AS Level course content with two of the following specialist options: clinical psychology, consumer psychology, health psychology or organisational psychology. These A Level options are diverse but each specialist option is balanced and equivalent in terms of content and demand. A number of key studies are specified for each specialist option, along with some additional studies which may be useful as examples of research in each area.

Syllabus Links

Use the links below for a detailed overview of the syllabus content which is updated from time to time.

CIE AS & A Level Psychology (9990)

Teacher Profile

Mrs. Judy Dempsey is Head of Psychology instructing year groups 12-13.

Years 7 – 11: Key Stage 3 and IGCSE


The primary ‘foreign’ language of the region is Spanish, and is viewed by teachers and parents as vital to providing a balanced education to children growing up in the Caribbean.

Years 6 to 11
From early in Year 6 through to their IGCSE examinations in Year 11, students follow the established ‘Spanish for Mastery’ programme, which provides the flexibility needed to meet the requirements of the Key Stage 3 Modern Languages curriculum. Students learn the mechanisms of the Spanish Language and develop proficiency through a wide variety of oral and written activities. As the students advance further into the course, they learn to express themselves using various tenses and more complex grammatical patterns. Although greater emphasis is placed on structural language, conversational skills continue to be developed. Students are encouraged to show a positive attitude towards learning a foreign language. One of the strengths of this programme is that it places great emphasis on the breadth of the Spanish-speaking world and many facets of the Hispanic culture.

Audio tapes and CDs are frequently used when introducing new units and topics. These resources provide adequate practice for listening comprehension and self-expression. Students develop a better understanding of more detailed information in formal and informal announcements, conversations and interviews. They are able to play an active part in discussions, present ideas and express opinions clearly, which is a main requirement at IGCSE level.

Field trips to the Dominican Republic are organized around Easter time, usually with Year 9; an experience which allows students the opportunity to appreciate, beyond the classroom, the advantages of being able to speak and understand a foreign language. They realise the importance of such a skill and are able to explore it in a practical way, and develop appreciation and respect for different cultures.

Syllabus Links

Use the links below for a detailed overview of the syllabus content which is updated from time to time.

CIE IGCSE Spanish – Foreign Language (0530)

Teacher Profile

Señor Jimenez Casas, Head of Spanish, has been teaching at the Collegiate since 1997. He was born, raised, and educated in Havana, Cuba.