BWIC Special Advisory –  June 21,2018

Along with the principals of every other high school in Providenciales, we have received a letter today from the Presiding Justice advising us that the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police have informed the Liquor Licensing Authority that a number of unspecified high school students congregate at Danny Buoy’s Bar and Restaurant after the Fish Fry on Thursdays, remaining there late into the night.

The Justices of the Peace, and the police, are adamant that the law and good moral standards will be respected, and the British West Indies Collegiate is supportive of this. Parents/guardians of BWIC students are encouraged to ensure that they know the whereabouts and activities of their children during the evening and on weekends during term time, and throughout the holidays. No parents should allow their child to be unaccompanied on licensed premises, much less to be consuming any substance they are not permitted.

BWIC Code of Conduct

The BWIC Code of Conduct, to which all our students and their parents are signatories, states: “The Collegiate has earned a highly-valued reputation in the community, and expects its students to maintain good standards of appearance and conduct both inside and outside the school campus.” The Collegiate, and its sponsor – the TCI Education Foundation, would take very seriously indeed any incident that brought our school into disrepute. This would include any of our students being detained or reported for under-age drinking.

Thank you for your attention to and support in this matter.

Anthony Wilkinson
